I am Toma, a printmaker, graphic designer and graphic artist. My professional background and interests are spread out across projects in print design and printmaking, book design, graphic design and illustration. I love typography, books, paper, layouts, inks and printmaking rollers.
I earned a Bachelor’s degree in sociology at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. It was the start of my path as an artist. Then the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree studies in printmaking at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Kaunas Faculty, followed. Though it is not a typical combination of studies, it gives me additional tools to explore new contexts and combine sociological knowledge and visual feeling.
I have participated in the internship at AGA LAB, Amsterdams Grafisch Atelier in the Netherlands, where I worked with various printmaking techniques, have led linocut workshops and worked with residenting artists.
For the first year art students at Vilnius Academy of Art, I led the linocut technique workshops and tutored students’ creative projects at Nida Art Colony, Lithuania.
Currently, I work as a freelance graphic designer, printmaker and graphic artist.
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